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Although this research will be based in part on Russell and Wefald's
metareasoning techniques, it will go beyond that work in several ways.
- This work will focus on decision trees rather than game trees,
leading to somewhat different details for the propagation of
- I intend to reevaluate some of the simplifying assumptions
Russell and Wefald make, and make different and hopefully more
general assumptions of my own.
- I plan to generalize their representations of probability
distributions over future utilities.
- I plan to make an abstract characterization of the
metareasoning problem, with a clear interface between the
metareasoning strategy and the non-metareasoning parts of the
algorithm, so that different metareasoning strategies can be plugged
in and their effectiveness compared. I will investigate several
alternative metareasoning strategies and compare them.
- I will focus on demonstrating that metareasoning is actually
helpful. In particular, if the metareasoning overhead causes the
system to perform poorly in comparison with a non-metareasoning
evaluation strategy, that will be considered unacceptable. I hope
to make a metareasoning module that can adjust the amount of time
spent in metareasoning so as not to decrease overall performance.
- I hope to make a clean, elegant implementation of the system
that will be useful for pedantic purposes.
- I hope to apply these techniques in a large, real-world domain
such as medical decision-making as well as in a small, well-defined
domain such as game-playing.
I hope to also make use of decision-theoretic control techniques
developed by other researchers such as Pearl, Horvitz, Heckerman,
Hansson and Mayer, and others. From preliminary investigations, much
of that work seems very relevant.