Currently, R programs modify variables and memory locations using a variety of vaguely C-like data modification constructs: ++, -, <=<, >=>, +=, -=, '136=, <->, and others not currently documented as user-level operations.
In general, it is an error for a data modification statement to modify a variable or memory location whose value is used in any subexpressions of the statement. If this happens, program behavior thereafter will be nonsensical.
( place ++)
The mod- integer word stored in place, which may be a
variable or a memory reference, is incremented by 1.
(- place)
The integer word stored in place is negated in two's complement fashion.
( place >=> amount)
( place <=< amount)
<=< rotates the bits stored in the given place to the left by the given amount. Rotating left by 1 means the bit stored in most significant bit-location moves to the least significant bit-location, and all the other bits shift over to the next, more significant position. Rotating by some other amount produces the same result as rotating by 1 amount times. >=> is the same but rotates to the right (exactly undoing <=<).
( place -= value)
( place += value)
+= adds value into place, as an integer. -= subtracts value from place.
( place '136= value)
'136= bitwise exclusive-OR's value into place.
( place
<-> place
<-> swaps the contents of the two places.