Rational partial state-graph search

Michael P. Frank
MIT Lab for Computer Science
Email: mpf@ai.mit.edu


The AI technique of searching through trees or graphs of neighboring states in a state-space has been used for many years in game-playing and problem-solving domains. For many of these domains, the state-spaces are too large to search completely; there is only time for a partial state-space search. Any partial search technique must address two issues: what part of the space do we search, and how do we obtain useful information from a partially-searched space?

Recently, a number of research groups have developed rational techniques, by which I mean ones based on decision theoretic principles, that answer one or both of these questions. These researchers have argued convincingly that their rational approaches improve on the non-decision-theoretic techniques previously used for partial state-space search.

In this paper, I will survey work in this area by researchers such Hansson & Mayer, Russell & Wefald, and Baum & Smith, with an emphasis on the latter, since it subsumes much of the earlier work. I will conclude with some speculations on how to apply the principles learned from rational state-space search to do abstract reasoning that transcends the state-space paradigm.

Citation information:

M. Frank, ``Rational partial state-graph search.'' Term paper for Jon Doyle, May 1993.
	AUTHOR = {Michael P. Frank},
	TITLE = {Rational partial state-graph search},
	NOTE = {draft report},
	MONTH = may,
	YEAR = {1993},
	url = {http://www.ai.mit.edu/~mpf/ftp/term-paper.ps}
	annote = {Term paper for Rationality and Intelligence, Jon Doyle}

Full paper in HTML and Postscript, 190K.