Michael Frank's bibliography of publications
(Most recent first.)
Formal publications:
Michael P. Frank, "Reversibility for Efficient Computing",
Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, to be published June 1999. http://www.ai.mit.edu/~mpf/rc/thesis/phdthesis.html.
Michael P. Frank and Tom Knight, ``Ultimate Theoretical Models of
Nanocomputers,'' Nanotechnology
9(3):162-176, Sep. 1998. Also presented at the Fifth
Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology, Palo Alto, CA,
Nov. 1997. http://www.ai.mit.edu/~mpf/Nano97/paper.html.
Michael P. Frank, Tom Knight, Norm Margolus,
in optimal scalable computer architectures,'' in Calude, Casti, Dineen,
eds., Unconventional Models of Computation (proceedings of the First
International Conference on Unconventional Models of Computation,
Jan. 1998), pages 165-182, Springer, 1998. http://www.ai.mit.edu/~mpf/rc/scaling_paper/scaling.html.
Michael P. Frank, Carlin Vieri,
M. Josephine Ammer, Nicole Love, Norman
H. Margolus, Thomas F. Knight, Jr.,
``A scalable
reversible computer in silicon,'' in ibid., pages 183-200. http://www.ai.mit.edu/~mpf/rc/flattop/ft.html.
Michael P. Frank. Advances
in decision-theoretic AI: Limited rationality and abstract search.
Master's thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, May 1994. Available on the
World-Wide Web at URL
Sharon Oviatt, Philip Cohen, Martin Fong, and Michael
Frank, ``A
Rapid Semi-Automatic Simulation Technique for Investigating Interactive
Speech and Handwriting,'' Proceedings of the International
Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Bariff, Canada, October
Matthew L. Ginsberg, Michael Frank, Michael
P. Halpin, and Mark
C. Torrance, ``Search
lessons learned from crossword puzzles,'' Proceedings Eighth National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1990.
Other research reports, not formally published, but available through
this page:
- Translation of Lecerf '63 article.
- In 1963, Yves Lecerf created the first formal description of a
simulation of arbitrary Turing machines on reversible ones. Unfortunately,
he wrote it in French. (What a maroon!) With the help of the Altavista Translation
Service, I have translated this paper into English.
Optimal Voltages for CMOS Circuits
This memo derives the optimal power-supply voltage for heat-limited
high-performance ordinary irreversible CMOS circuits. The work is not
finished, but already we can see that aggressively-pipelined, dense,
locally-connected circuits with high activity factors require supply
voltages that are several times lower than is standardly suggested, in
order to achieve the maximum performance/price that is possible.
The R Programming
Language and Compiler
This document describes the current state of the reversible high-level
language I am working on, and the compiler that translates programs from
that language into our reversible machine instruction set.
Modifications to PISA architecture
to support guaranteed reversibility and other features
Describes modifications to Carlin Vieri's reversible instruction set to
provide additional features. This is similar to the version of the ISA was
assumed by my compiler.
Separations of reversible and irreversible
space-time complexity classes
If abstract reversible and irreversible computers can both access a black-box
input, the irreversible models prove to be fundamentally more powerful.
This may imply that some of the most ambitious proposed computer architectures
cannot be efficiently implemented within our micro-reversible universe.
Instead, the corresponding reversible designs may ultimately yield the
most powerful computers that are physically possible.
Physically-Motivated Models of Computation
for Complexity Theory
This memo proposes models of computation that are conjectured to represent
the true capabilities of physics, and thus constitute an appropriate basis
for the study of algorithms and computational complexity in a way that
is not based on an artificial model of computation that may be asymptotically
more or less powerful than real computers can possibly be.
Voltage Scaling and Limits to Energy
Efficiency for CMOS-based SCRL.
This is a working memo (not yet finished) that analyzes how the energy/operation
of the SCRL adiabatic circuit technique scales with speed, threshold, and
temperature, and how it compares to standard CMOS.
Flattop: The First Fully Adiabatic Computer
We recently designed and fabricated a fully-adiabatic chip implementing the
Billiard Ball Model Cellular Automaton, a simple reversible system capable
of universal computation.
Programming Reversible Computers.
My Ph.D. thesis proposal, submitted and approved.
Low-Energy Computing for Implantable Medical
I delivered this talk to an audience of our colleagues in MEDG
on 2/21/96.
Quantum Computing studies.
This page conveys the results of my studies on this topic for my area
exam in Feb. '96. Quantum computing is a topic that is closely related
to reversible computing.
Bibliography on Reversible Computing.
A shared resource in our project.
Memo on reversible control flow instructions.
This is an old working memo I wrote which outlines an early version
of the reversible control flow instructions used in our instruction set
architecture. It is flawed and badly needs revision, so please don't quote
it or redistribute it.
Unpublished reports from Masters' thesis research in LCS:
M. Frank, ``Rational abstract
search,'' draft report, June 1993. Abstract.
M. Frank, ``Rational partial state-graph
search.'' Term paper for Jon Doyle, May 1993. Abstract.
M. Frank, ``Rational Partial Evaluation of
Decision Trees.'' Master's thesis proposal, approved March
Mark C. Torrance, M. Frank, and Carl R. Witty,
``An Abalone Position For Which the Game is Undefined,'' draft report,
February 1992. Abstract.
Unpublished reports from undergraduate work at Stanford:
M. Frank, ``Winograd
and Realism.'' Term paper, July 1991. Abstract.
M. Frank and Terry
Winograd, ``Dialogue
on Realism, Part II.'' Transcript of personal discussion, March
M. Frank and Fred Dretske. ``Dialogue on Realism, Part
I.'' Transcript of personal discussion, March 1991.
M. Frank. ``Exploration in Machine Learning.''
Term paper for Steve Minton, December 1990.
M. Frank. ``Strategies for Intelligent Agent
Exploration of Complex Environments.'' Term paper for Michael
Genesereth, March 1990. For hardcopy email mpf@ai.mit.edu.
M. Frank. ``A PDP
Network for Learning UNIX Programs.'' Term paper for David
E. Rumelhart, March 1990.
mpf 3/16/99